The Blogspot of Author Logan Hawkes

The Blogspot of Author Logan Hawkes

Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Mysterious Disappearance of Ambrose Bierce

Following the recent airing of the season three premiere episode of the Ancient Aliens TV Series, "Aliens in the Old West", I have received a great deal of correspondence from fans of the program wanting to know more about adventurer and writer Ambrose Bierce and the strange story surrounding his mysterious disappearance in 1913 America. While I have included a section on Bierce in my latest book release (Ancient Aliens of the Americas) for those of you who want a more detailed look, I thought I would provide a link about the incident for those of you who want just the "short of it" - the bottom line to this great American mystery.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Not Your Daddy's Cap...But It Works!

I'm dating myself here, but how could a guy my age not jump at the chance to relive those Golden Years of adolescence by catching the new Captain America:First Avenger summer blockbuster? Or will the new movie release be a summer bust?

I grabbed the chance on opening weekend and was a little disappointed - not in the movie necessarily but in the turn out at the box office. I admit I watched the film at an odd hour, meaning not the peak time for movie goers to line up at the theater. None-the-less, I couldn't help notice that by and large those assembled for the screening were "older" - not your typical young crowd that the Marvel super hero movies seem to attract, making me wonder if the Cap - my all time favorite super hero as a kid - just isn't as popular anymore with the young crowd, not like Iron Man (Robert Downey, Jr.) or Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) or even DC's Batman (Christian Bale) or, for Heaven's sake, evil hero The Joker (the late Heath Ledger).

What's the world coming to? Admittedly, American patriotism is not exactly at an all time high (thanx to the idiots in American politics - and I do mean all of them), plus this new Cap movie is actually a period piece set in the early 1940s. Still, in a day when Superman is denouncing his U.S. citizenship to appeal to an apparent "New World Order" crowd and in the latest X-Men movie the characters are getting younger instead of older (I assume to impress the younger crowd), one must wonder what has gone wrong to dampen the enthusiasm for America's greatest hero of all time? Am I just that old and outdated?

I must be. Most of the other theater patrons were older (like me) and the crowd was rather sparse to say the least. That's not to say the other screenings weren't packed. Maybe the movie will do well by the end of the weekend when the final box office numbers come in. Still, it has me worried. I caught the movie at an early release party on Wednesday night - in spite of being "under the weather" - yet I still enjoyed the movie greatly.

It doesn't help that the film is being released a week after the final Potter thriller and a week before Spielberg's Cowboys & Aliens - a tough sandwich when you're in the middle. And Marvel didn't give the movie as much promotional play as they typically do, like for the recent Thor flick and X-Men First Class.  Add to that the difficultly of trying to make a quality movie about such a dynamic super hero and it makes the chances for a successful Captain America film difficult at best.

For what it's worth, the producers did a pretty good job with the film and it was well worth the ticket price to see my favorite shield-wielder in action. If you miss it you will have missed a good flick - nuff said.

Saturday, July 2, 2011


I hate to be a critic on the Fourth of July weekend, but it never ceases to amaze me that we think, for even a moment, that we are free Americans because we follow one candidate or another, or one party or another. Like lambs led to slaughter, we buy into the great military-industrial complex bull shit and pretend that our party, our candidate, is the one that will lead us back to real freedom, while all the time they are passing Patriot Acts and limiting our freedoms and wholesaling our individual rights as if we don't have enough sense to realize they are working for their own nefarious designs. We the People are treated as monkeys who will buy into any rhetoric and accept any weak campaign designed to take us farther down the road of self destruction. As a true blood American, I encourage everyone to stand up and question those in power, make them accountable for their deeds, and judge them with common sense and good reasoning and demand they keep the power of government where it belongs, WE THE PEOPLE. Happy Fourth of July. Let's get back to basics and stop these political wars and insane religious campaigns!