For those that may not have a clue, Wall Street is not your buddy. Oh sure, in years past Wall Street represented at least a little part of the Great American Dream. But rest assured, today's stock market(s) is not your Daddy's stock market. Greed, power-hunger, monopoly grabbing insiders have degraded the markets with enough inside trading, misleading assessment and tightly controlled leadership to make the open market little more than a playground for the elite and their buddies who are getting filthy rich at the expense of the average speculator. This is not an empty accusation. There is a horrifying game taking place below radar that is nothing more than complete and total manipulation of the open market and chances are slim that an average investor will weather the tricks, deceit and lies being fed to the media designed to influence investors into putting their money in a market that is programmed to rise and fall at the whims of these insiders. They get rich, you get poor and as they gain more control and power, you are headed down a road you should not be on. Times have changed, and so, apparently, has the honor among financial markets. Invest in yourself - not in the market. This little piece of advise you can trust - and hopefully take to the bank!
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