The Blogspot of Author Logan Hawkes

The Blogspot of Author Logan Hawkes

Saturday, July 2, 2011


I hate to be a critic on the Fourth of July weekend, but it never ceases to amaze me that we think, for even a moment, that we are free Americans because we follow one candidate or another, or one party or another. Like lambs led to slaughter, we buy into the great military-industrial complex bull shit and pretend that our party, our candidate, is the one that will lead us back to real freedom, while all the time they are passing Patriot Acts and limiting our freedoms and wholesaling our individual rights as if we don't have enough sense to realize they are working for their own nefarious designs. We the People are treated as monkeys who will buy into any rhetoric and accept any weak campaign designed to take us farther down the road of self destruction. As a true blood American, I encourage everyone to stand up and question those in power, make them accountable for their deeds, and judge them with common sense and good reasoning and demand they keep the power of government where it belongs, WE THE PEOPLE. Happy Fourth of July. Let's get back to basics and stop these political wars and insane religious campaigns!

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